XXXIII AISOC International Congress
Between the 24th and 26th of June 2021, the XXXIII AISOC 2021 International Congress took place. It was held in a hybrid way in San Cristobal de las Casas (Mexico) and featured the participation of presentations from all over the world.
Several members of Jaitek had the opportunity to participate in a conference presentation with the Emysteries project on June 25.
AISOC is the Ibero-American Association for Research in Sociology of Organizations and Communication, an outstanding study group of Ibero-American influence whose work is oriented to study and research in the area of confluence between sociology, organizations and communication.
The presentation of the Emysteries project by Jaitek took place during the second day of the congress within the thematic area 2 “Online and cutting-edge education”.
Emysteries: Detective Stories to Engage Students in Close Reading with the Use of Mobile Devices
During the time that the presentation lasted, several members of Jaitek shared a presentation in which the importance of reading and writing in adolescence was explained.
The role of detective stories as a motivating agent for reading and writing was the axis that guided the entire presentation.
In addition, the objectives of the project were presented, as well as the results developed by the consortium during its implementation.