eMysteries Interactive Environment: How it works
eMysteries Interactive Environment is an innovative rich media mobile-device-supported environment that provides interactive multimedia learning elements to promote close reading and writing skills to upper secondary students (15-18 year-olds).
Final partners' meeting took place in Schwerin, Germany
On the 18th of November 2021, the final meeting of the eMysteries project took place in Schwerin, Germany in person or via ZOOM!
The European project eMysteries “Developing literacy skills for teachers and students” is coming to an end.
The Consortium of the European Project "eMysteries: Detective Stories to Engage Students in Close Reading with the Use of Mobile Devices", is pleased to announce that the project was successfully completed.
Newsletter 4
The 4th Newsletter of the eMysteries project aims to provide information about the creation of the eMysteries online platform, which focuses on the development of education content and will serve as a tool for helping teacher's professional development. The Newsletter is available in all partner languages.
Jaitek presents the Emysteries project in the XXXIII AISOC - 2021 International Congress
XXXIII AISOC International Congress
Between the 24th and 26th of June 2021, the XXXIII AISOC 2021 International Congress took place. It was held in a hybrid way in San Cristobal de las Casas (Mexico) and featured the participation of presentations from all over the world.
eMysteries Multiplier event in Cyprus: Practicing literacy skills using detective stories on mobile devices
INNOVADE in collaboration with CARDET have organised the Multiplier Event for the eMysteries project in order to inform project’s stakeholders and specifically teachers of the secondary education on the innovative methodologies, tools and resources that were produced during the project for addressing the reading and writing needs of under-skilled upper secondary school students.
eMysteries - Newsletter 3
The 3rd Newsletter of the eMysteries project aims to provide an overview of the Interactive Environment and how it can promote close reading and writing skills of upper secondary students. Also, you will find more information on the progress achieved so far by the project partners and the next steps. The Newsletter is available in all partner languages.
eMysteries 3rd Project Meeting
The 3rd meeting of the eMysteries project was successfully held online on the 8th of October, 2020.
After finalizing the Teacher's Toolbox, partners are excited to be working on the mobile-device-interactive environment for developing detective stories which will be available at the beginning of 2021.
eMysteries 2nd Online Project Meeting
The 2nd meeting of the eMysteries project was successfully held online on May 14th, 2020.
The emphasis was placed on the finalization of the first Output the Teacher’s Toolbox which will form the basis for the design and development of the mobile-device-supported interactive environment.